Winter season in Barbados means plenty of sunshine, brisk tradewinds, and deep blue skies, all of which lure plenty of visitors out of the cold and onto the island's sun-kissed shores. Included in those visitors over this winter season were a number of my relatives and close friends who, as my guests, were treated to a dose of Bajan hospitality.
What this meant was rolling up my sleeves and dishing out plenty of home cooked specials, including local fresh fish prepared with curry and other flavourful herbs and spices, fresh vegetables and crisp salads, and loads of fresh fruits. To top off these favourites, I baked up a storm of goodies that kept everyone calling for more.

Featured prominently on my winter dessert menu were Date Nut Squares, Blondies, and Blueberry Gingerbread, all equally tantalizing and delicious. Arranging slices of these cakes on a single platter for tea or after meals was a highlight of the day. The difficulty was choosing which one to taste, and as expected, most of our guests gave in and sampled all.
It was a pleasure having my sister and business partner, Julie, back in Barbados for her usual double-header visit in December and February. Whenever we get together, no matter where we are, we bake excessively, much to the delight of whoever is around us. We have found that an overwhelming favourite is the Pumpkin Walnut Bread which is moist and tasty, with the added joy of roasted walnuts and sweet raisins in practically every whole wheat bite.

My guests have all returned back to their respective temperate locations well rested and well fed, with wonderful memories of their time spent in Barbados. It is time for me now to kick back and savour a slice of that Pumpkin Walnut Bread just baked and smelling amazing. Cheers!
Being a tropical Island, Barbados can be a perfect place this summer. But i don't know if there's any affordable hotel in Barbados we can get.